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Alawsat provides a list of high-end, comprehensive and efficient services, includes:
1. Project Conceptualization:
- Tender/bidding preparation
- Detailing scope of work
- Design project organization to optimize for the different cultural environments organizational job descriptions
2. Project Planning & Design:
- Traffic Coverage Analysis
- Cellular Network Design & Nominal Cell Plan
- RF Survey
- System Design
- Complete network Dimensioning
- Prepare MOP’s (Methods of Procedures)
3. Project Implementation:
- Solution delivery by all terms; materials sourcing, provisioning, commissioning, execution, testing, operation and maintenance.
- Completely follow contract specifications
- Procurement from approved sources
- Execute projects as per International standards & practices
- Documentation for every activity
4. Project Management:
- Extensive international and local experience in project management
- Multi-vendor experience.
- Provide top qualified experts, local and expats covering all phases and skills needed for a successful